5 Tips for Keeping What You Love When Downsizing Your Home

By: Evette Champion

Downsizing your home doesn't mean you have to get rid of everything – especially not the things you love. After a lifetime of accumulating a bunch of stuff, the thought of downsizing your home can feel downright overwhelming, yet liberating. Many people ask, "Where do I begin -- I love so many things!"  

We often have Client’s tell us they feel paralyzed at the thought of downsizing.

We have five tips to help you declutter and whittle down the mess while keeping the things you love.

1. Positive Frame of Mind

When downsizing, your mindset is essential. You may very well be excited to declutter, get rid of things that never get used, and take up space in your home. Ask yourself what the reason you want to downsize is. Do you expect to feel calmer when you aren't surrounded by chaos?

Are you considering selling your current home and moving into a smaller home (or a retirement community if you're a senior)?

Whatever the reason, remember that the whole point of downsizing is to minimize the clutter and unnecessary items. The goal is to keep the necessities or the things that make you happy.

2. Start Sooner Rather Than Later

Before your move, you'll want to have a plan regarding the many different tasks that will need to be done. You could do this by dedicating a few days to each room. These days, you'll want to go through the items, clean as you go, and even make minor repairs or upgrades (fixing the doorknob, filling holes and painting, changing the lightbulbs, etc.). 

Remember: the more you do now, the easier it will be when the big day comes.

3. Focus on Your Goal

Staying focused on your goals and the desired positive results can make the whole process less like a chore.

Even when you start to feel overwhelmed, remember that when you're done downsizing and decluttering, you will be able to focus more on doing the things and being with the people you love instead of being smothered by junk.

4. Relish in the Memories

As you sift through your stuff, cherish the memories they trigger and set aside the items that give you that warm fuzzy feeling. Granted, you might have a lot of things that have fond memories attached to them, and it'll be challenging to part ways with them. 

In that regard, figure out a way to repurpose the particular items. For example, if you have a collection of band shirts, turn them into a quilt or wall art. If it's an antique piece of furniture your grandfather made, it doesn't look the best. You could always refinish it and find a special place in your future home -- or give it to a family member who'd love it as much as you did.

5. Decide Once and for All

As you go around your home, handle each thing once, then move on. If you're moving soon, pack and identify items you're retaining. Find a temporary storage space for the items you don't plan on keeping. 

To make it easier, you can create different categories for the items: 

  • Keeping: The things you love and want to keep. 

  • Selling: The items are in good condition at a yard sale, consignment shop, or even an online reseller like Poshmark, Facebook Marketplace, eBay, etc.

  • Giving: The items that may not sell, but you want to keep them. You can give them to family and friends or donate them to charity.

Downsizing isn't about clearing out your home and having nothing left. It's about getting rid of the clutter and the unused stuff that's taking up space, whether in your current home or a new one. You can (and should!) keep the items that have meaning and fill you with fond memories.