How to Handle Closet Reorganization in the Time of COVID-19

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

For most of us, the weather is changing. It’s getting colder. Some states have already had snow!

With the changing of the seasons comes the changing of clothes. Beachwear is out. Sweater weather is in.

But the changing of clothes means it’s time to do the thing most of us don’t want to do: reorganize our closet. Tackling closets is one of the most daunting tasks, but it doesn’t have to be. All you need is a plan and time.

I’m here to help make the transition smoother and hopefully, kind of fun. Because a new season means a fresh start. There’s so much to look forward to. Tell yourself you’ve got this. Turn on your music and let’s get started.

Transitioning your seasonal clothes

If you live in areas where the weather changes season to season then you probably swap out your clothes a few times a year. It's exciting, replenishing your wardrobe.

Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels

Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels

Let me ask you this: Have you ever sorted through your clothes as you transition them? Doing this while you switching out seasonal clothes can save you so much time when you want to do a massive cleanout.
The worst thing you can do is switch out the clothes and not think twice about it.

Say you’re packing your summer dresses away. You stumble across one you can’t remember the last time you wore it. Was it last summer? The one before? If you can’t remember the last time you wore it, it’s time to let it go. (If the Frozen song gets stuck in your head, I apologize.)

Before you swap out the clothes, take the time to really look at the clothes. Lay out each piece and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it still fit me?

  • Does it match my current lifestyle?

  • Was it worn in the last two years?

Did you answer “no” to one or all of those questions? It’s time to say goodbye.

I understand the sentimental attachment to our clothes. When the seasons change we get an opportunity to not only make our closet more manageable by decreasing the amount that goes into it. We’re also teaching ourselves it’s okay to let go.

Remember that this pandemic started in the spring. We had just transitioned our clothes. So the winter clothes you have may not be suitable to your current lifestyle right now. Especially if COVID-19 affected it.

COVID-19 and the demand for loungewear

According to a recent report by ReportLinker, markets are anticipating a 9% increase of sleepwear and loungewear to happen between 2020-2024.

This is because thousands of people were uprooted from their offices and are now working from home. It caused the need for work attire to drop and the need for comfortable loungewear to grow. Unless there’s a Zoom meeting planned, you can pretty much get away with wearing pajamas to work. Awesome!
But now loungewear has taken over your closet while your work clothes have been pushed to the back.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

How do you organize it all?

A key thing when it comes to closet organization is keeping the stuff you wear the most front and center. If loungewear is your new work uniform it’s time to push those blazers and slacks towards the back. They're available whenever you need them again.

Some businesses are learning that working from home is a cost-effective way to save money. What if your company decides to make remote work permanent? How will it alter your outfits?

It’s hard to determine that now, especially with everything so up in the air. But for right now, what do you find yourself wearing more often?

If it’s loungewear, move those clothes to easily accessible places. You know where the blazer is when you have to dress up for those Zoom meetings. Don’t get rid of your work clothes just yet. Until you know for sure what’s going to happen, it’s okay to move them out of the way. Store the majority of them in bins if you can. Keep a few fancy blouses and blazers out for meetings.

Here’s another item we never thought we’d have to accommodate for: masks.

The longevity of masks depends on the care you give them. Their primary use is protecting us from unwanted viruses. They should be treated as well as your favorite piece of clothing. For the people who purchased washable ones, the question is where should I store them?

One nifty trick is to install S-hooks in your closet. Or maybe a funky pegboard. They’re both perfect for hanging your masks and take up very little space. Even if they're a little out of sight, they'll be easy to grab if they're all hanging in the same place. You can even sort them by color to match your loungewear of choice

There’s a lot of closet organization tips and tricks out there. It’s easy to get swept up in all the noise. Next thing you know, your closet still isn’t done. To keep your plans rolling, I’ve compiled an easy to follow checklist.

This checklist can be used when you’re transitioning your clothes for the season or if you’re interested in doing one massive cleanout.

Tackling your closet checklist:

  1. Decide on your vision for your closet. How do you want it to look?

  2. Remember that less is more. Keep items you always wear, not what you think you’ll wear.

  3. Pick a charity to send the clothes you don’t want to.

  4. Pick a designated time and commit to getting the closet done that day.

  5. Don’t worry about the mess. It’s going to look worse before it gets better.

  6. Limit the number of similar items you have. Do you really need 10 pairs of the same black heels?

  7. Ask yourself those three questions and stick with your decision.

  8. Create a system unique to you.

  9. Purchase items you may need to organize your closet that matches your vision.

  10. Give yourself a high-five because you did it!

Let’s face it, COVID-19 has changed the way we see our homes. Spending so much time in them now, we can’t help but notice things we didn’t before. Our overflowing closets are only one area. But believe me, it’ll feel amazing when it looks pretty and organized. Your masks now have a home.
And know you don’t need to overhaul the entire layout of your closet. With a few simple changes and alterations, your closet can be and remain manageable.
I’m also here to help. Schedule a consultation today and let’s chat about ways we can improve your closet together.